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Decorating a private home in Arizona, USA. This was a project of interest to me personally, since the motifs in the paintings are a combination of significant locations of Gračanica from Zenica (because the clients were born in Zenica and Gračanica), and I am connected to these two cities, because I was born in Gračanica and live in Zenica.
Clients sent me their pictures of birth house from Gračanica and the building from Zenica, which I incorporated into these sights. It is also interesting that I made the pictures in Bosnia and Herzegovina and sent them electronically to the USA, and there they were printed and fastened on blind frames. The client told me that the company that did it sends the pictures to India for printing, then back to the US.

I combined two abstractions with color and space with the already mentioned paintings.

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Karikatura Enesa i Jusuf
Bezglutenska porodica
Veterinar i mace
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