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50,00 KM

The images were created as a revolt against the imposition of society so that we all fit into some already determined standards and norms. Everyone has their own life path and everyone should follow their instincts and listen to their heart, no matter what most think or do. People are usually like chameleons, trying to fit into the environment in which they are. No one can live life to the fullest if he does not follow his own path.

You can print digital art on various media: paper, painting canvas, pvc stickers, etc., and hang them on the wall, or print them on clothes or objects. If it is easier for you, contact me via the contact form on this website or write directly to [email protected], if you want me to perform printing, framing and sending services to your address.

Dimensions: 70×50 cm



The images were created as a revolt against the imposition of society so that we all fit into some already determined standards and norms. Everyone has their own life path and everyone should follow their instincts and listen to their heart, no matter what most think or do. People are usually like chameleons, trying to fit into the environment in which they are. No one can live life to the fullest if he does not follow his own path.

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